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BIO International 2024

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28-30 June 2022, Santa Clara Convention Center


Meet PrecisionLife at BIO 2024 - landscape-min

We'll be at BIO International 2024, ready to support biopharma to improve probabilities of success across every stage of drug development with our deep understanding of causal biology and unique ability to stratify patients via the molecular mechanisms of their disease.


Making R&D faster, more valuable and successful

  • We de-risk drug discovery and select the right targets for the right patients with mechanism-based patient stratification biomarkers that match causal biology to TPP.
  • Our biomarkers enable the design of precision clinical trials that are easier to recruit, faster to readout, and more likely to be successful.
  • And we identify secondary indication opportunities with high efficacy potential for label extension and out-licensing to maximize commercial and clinical returns on R&D investment.


Meet our team at BIO 2024

  • Steve Gardner, Chief Executive Officer 
  • Rowan Gardner, Chief Business & Investment Officer 
  • Gerald Dunstan, SVP Corporate Development


Recent news

We’re working in collaboration with some of the largest global biopharma companies and have a proven, responsive, and cost-effective way of contracting and working with our partners.

At BIO we will be meeting with innovative biopharma companies who understand the value that precision medicine can bring to their programs and patients.

Message us in the BIO Partnering Platform or contact us to setup a meeting.

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Charles Consultants

Sue Charles

+44 (0)7968 726585

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