Helping to accelerate genetic research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS)
14 September 2022 at University of Edinburgh
PrecisionLife is presenting the key findings of its groundbreaking ME/CFS study at the M.E. Genetics Research Summit organized by ME charity, Action for M.E. and the MRC Human Genetics Unit, University of Edinburgh.
The symposium will bring together researchers interested in ME, people with ME, carers and potential funders to drive collaboration in this field and develop a 10 year programme of ME/CFS genetics research.
Several people from PrecisionLife will be speaking at the conference, including:
- Dr Steve Gardner, CEO
- Dr Sayoni Das, VP of Bioinformatics
- Krysyna Taylor, Senior Portfolio Manager
The team will present ‘Genetic Risk Factors for M.E./CFS Identified using Combinatorial Analysis’ on the main stage at 12:50pm on Wednesday 14 September.
The PrecisionLife study provides the first detailed genetic insights into the pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning ME/CFS and offers new approaches for better diagnosis and treatment of patients.
Data from the study is available on the pre-publication site medRxiv, here:
Presentations from the symposium will be available to watch on demand on the Action for ME website soon after they are presented.
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