Chief Business and Investment Officer of PrecisionLife, Rowan Gardner, is attending Arab Health 2025 and the Healthcare Investment Summit in the Dubai World Trade Centre from 27-30 January.
About PrecisionLife
PrecisionLife is a clinical-stage precision medicine company creating better diagnostic tools and more personalized treatment options to predict, treat, and prevent complex chronic diseases, which account for over 80% of healthcare spending. Their growing prevalence is making healthcare increasingly unaffordable in all major economies.
The AI-led PrecisionLife platform is unparalleled in its understanding of disease biology – identifying the underlying causes of disease and biomarkers to stratify patients by molecular mechanism for the first time in complex conditions. This enables us to accurately link individuals to the drug targets, clinical trials and treatments that will benefit them – leading to earlier, more accurate and effective disease prediction, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Our unique disease insights and precision medicine tests hold the key to increasing the rate of success in drug development, reducing the global burden of chronic diseases, and improving health for billions of people.
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